chp6 pg10
Posted August 10, 2015 at 03:00 am

Meanwhile! Merrick is totally ruining Lady Wicker's relaxing evening.

Hey everyone, Im back! Thanks for your patience. So there is only a little more than a week left on the Goblinade Kickstarter, its gonna be a hard push to get funded but still I have to BELIEVE! This is a big crazy endeavor that literally took years and the sweat of a lot of people to make a reality!
For those who dont know, Board games hold a pretty special place in my heart, it's how i love to spend time with my friends and family. I find they challenge me, and sometimes make me laugh and leave me with fun stories to tell! Do you guys have some favorite games? Id love to hear it (and add more to my collection!).

I wanna spend a moment and talk about our Head Artist on Goblinade, Gary Laib. Much of the fun and comical whimsy of the game sprung forth from his imagination. His gallery is a concept artist's dream, one of my favorite's being his riders series. You can check out his deviant art gallery for more cool and inpiring fantasy illustration!

I admit it! I have a soft spot for Owls!!
...I mean i really really love owls!
Right now Goblinade has a $50 reward tier that comes with the game and a special edition signed print! (thats a close up of the illustration below).

Again, if you wish to support Gary and my husband's game than please support our Kickstarter! And a million thank yous to all of you that have already given a pledge, shared the game, and bothered to read this! See ya next week!

