Book2 chp 2.07
Posted November 6, 2017 at 12:01 am

Trystan is just relieved she can drop the "act" now.

Fun fact, WhiteWall (Trystan's hometown) is the only Fauni city-state left. All the old mage towers are just toppled ruins at this point. Most Fauni prefer the safety (and luxury) of living behind walls. Also, they don't like associating with humans.

Hey guys, the Ghost Owl pins are back up for sale on Etsy. I have a nice helper in the USA who has exactly 10 pins to ship for me, so If any American readers want cheaper shipping grab one before I'm forced to triple the rate. Also, European readers will notice a reduced shipping price (yay). Also, the Comic creator of Forever Autumn has her bat pins available as well, and I will be her helper for reduced shipping in Europe (available at the end of November)

