Fauni FairyTale - The Moon Knight 07
Posted April 13, 2020 at 05:51 am

But the little knight knew that she would need to find a way to appease the spirit once and for all.

Over the years the forgotten girl trained alone and traveled town to town, searching for answers from the wisest folk she could find. Few would give audience to a strange girl, so she wore her armor and she learned craft and guile. With enough time and trickery could convince any person to converse with her. And when she found no answers there, She would slip her way into their many royal archives and private libraries.  But, alas she found no mention of “Zvestren”.

But despite her repeated failures to find an answer, the Knight always held true to her vow, and made sure to return to the ruins by the full moon and banish the spirit, lest it take its vengeance again.

Hello readers, Happy Easter/Bunny Day/Spring! I hope you all had a lovely week! I have a more detailed write up on this page you can read over on my Patreon (not behind a paywall). But a short explanation is that Kaytrin is not a real Knight in any sense, her life now is nothing but a carefully crafted performance, designed to get what she needs to survive and gather information on Zvestren's curse. It is a life of deception and lies. But if no one can remember you, does it really matter if you tell the truth?
